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    UC welcomes our next president: Michael V. Drake, M.D.
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    His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the 2017 UCSD All Campus Commencement
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  • Chair Pérez, UCR Chancellor Wilcox, and UCSC Chancellor Larive
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    Regent Leib, Chancellor Yang, and UC Santa Barbara students
  • UC San Francisco Mission Bay
  • Regent Sures visits UC Riverside
  • Regent Kieffer, UC Davis Chancellor May, and UC Davis Foundation Trustee Stegura
  • Regent Makarechian at a UC Santa Barbara student scholars event
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    Chair Perez and UC Riverside students
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  • UC Davis
  • View from UC San Francisco Parnassus Campus
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    UC Irvine
  • UC Berkeley
  • Geisel Library Building, UC San Diego

Regents approve the appointment of Dr. Michael V. Drake as the 21st President of the University of California

Regents unanimously approve to endorse Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 5 and the repeal of the provisions of Proposition 209

Statement from Chair Pérez and President Napolitano on protests, violence following George Floyd's death


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